Travel Knitting in Indonesia & the Awesomest House in London

Ok, so I totally have a new dream. To take my knitting on a trip to Indonesia. We could drive around, go to workshops, see a concert, pay some road tolls. Not only would it be awesome, but then my knitting could trade stories with the knitting from this video.

The shots of the knitting workshop in this video made me tear up in happiness, reminding me why I fell in love with knitting, craft and all their possibilities. The spirit of DIY in other countries makes me so very happy, and makes me think I need to start working on planning some workshops. The past few years have seen me uninspired by public work, but I think this is about to change. This reminds me how wrong I am and just how jaded I’ve gotten, and that there’s still work to be done! Got any places that could use a little DIY craft workshop? I work better with parters in crime, so let’s plan something awesome!

In case you missed the first video and in order to see the finger knitting, please go to The Man Who Knit. The finger knitting video, with the usual badass musical soundtrack from these knitters, coaxes you along the steps to began your rise to finger knitting conqueror! Be prepared to rock out, be inspired, and start to wonder what grand adventures your knitting has just been yearning to go on.

Alternatively, you can go check out the work done at MuTATE Britain. This project, done by the amazing outlaw ceramicist Carrie Reichardt, is also something that has inspired me to no end this week. For more about Carrie, go visit her website, where you’ll see she has the coolest house in the universe, pictured above.

P.S. In the travel video, there is sunrise knitting. In Indonesia. On a cliff. With a rooster crowing in the background. Hello, awesome.