Discovering Craftivist Work Online

First of all, isn’t this xstitch piece lovely? It’s by Flickr user gothcomic, who kindly let me repost this here!


Secondly, I’ll admit it. I was already to ignore Pinterest, like, forever. But… I had a look the other day and realized just how many craftivism boards there were! Whoa! A few craftivist projects that Pinterest introduced to me the other day:

Jerilea Zempel’s Guns and Rosettes from an old We Make Money Not Art blog post.


This piece of work (with apparent misspelling) from Solamenterocio about stopping evictions.


This guerrilla doily that was posted over at Lanina Bipolar.


This pin introduced me a lovely list of Powerful Projects:


Along with repinning other people’s pins, I also pinned a bunch of craftivist-related work of people from around the world, including the political work of Hannah Ryggen:


And Rosita Johansen:

rosita johansen

You can find all these wonderful things (and more!) pinned on my craftivism Pinterest board and on the craftivism boards of others!

Wanna follow me on Pinterest? You can find me here.

Also, I’ve posted this before, but Pinterest reminded me of it again, this lovely video of some public stitching from Miss Cross Stitch. You can read some lovely interview with her here.

Source: via Betsy on Pinterest

Have a piece of craftivist work that you’d like to share with me? Either tell me about it in the comments or post it over on your own craftivism Pinterest board!