Hanne Bang’s “In a War Someone Has to Die” Project

Chances are high that you have read about this already, somewhere like Mr. X Stitch or Radical Cross Stitch.

However, I wanted to post this for the people who haven’t seen it or who don’t already know about the work of Hanne Bang, as this project introduced me to her, too!

For those that are familiar with what I write, you won’t be surprised to see this. I’m from a military family, have a cross stitch series of anti-war graffiti, and am deeply saddened by what my country is mired in, although do applaud the many kindnesses that have been done by our soldiers without praise or media attention or selfishness.

Growing up my mom always told me, “No one wants peace time like a soldier.” A shortened version of the longer quote by Douglas MacArthur quote.

I’ve been meaning to write this post for awhile now, but recent news events regarding the war have left my heart heavier than it’s been in a long time. And I know, with all my heart, that my mom and MacArthur were right.

Text and photo from here:

This art project is called “In a war someone has to die”.
I am going to find women from all over the world who will be a part of it.

A couple of years ago I happened to zap by a TV program, in which a journalist was interviewing a professional African soldier. To the soldier`s great disappointment he was out of work at the moment – because there was no war in his region. The interviewer asked the soldier if he was afraid of dying, and the soldier said: “No I am not afraid of dying. Are you afraid of dying?” The interviewer answered: “Yes I am afraid of dying”. Then the soldier said, without any sentimentality: “In a war someone has to die”.

This little dialogue, and the words “In a war someone has to die”, returned to me over and over again. Of course I knew that in wars people die, but suddenly I saw the essence of war and the reality of it very clearly. These words are the main element in the art project. I use this sentence – these harsh words – in a feminine expression, as handkerchiefs and embroidery are.

Be a part of this projekt:
I would like to invite you to embroider/sew the text “In a war someone has to die” on a handkerchief. The text has to be in your own language. If you also want to make a symbol or something else on the handkerchief you are of course welcome.The handkerchiefs will eventually be sewn together into a great wall blanket.(hopefully 200-300 handkerchiefs) It is a commentary on the war and an act af solidarity to all those who must send husbands, fathers, sons, daughters and sisters into war. In a war where someone has to die.

Please embroider the tekst on a handkerchief;
“In a war someone has to die” in your own language/mother tongue.
Deadline: june 2012

It is not yet scheduled where it will be exhibited,hopefully internationally. Hanne Bang, Saettedammen 18, 3400 Hillerod, Denmark.

Remember to send me your name and country – for the exhibition catalog.

You can either use one of your own handkerchiefs, or you can write me and I will send you one, in an envelope with a reply coupon, (cost free for you).

Whether you know how to embroider or not is not essential at all. All kind of stitches and handkerchiefs can be used.

If you have any questions you are more than welcome to write here on this page or send me an email.

Mail: hannebang444@gmail.com