Kate Bingaman-Burt’s TEDx talk and Craftivism: The Book!

1. The video below is the amazing Kate Bingaman-Burt giving a TEDx talk in Portland. Along with getting hella inspired while watching it, you can also learn how (and why) it’s important to become an “art soldier.”

2. Things have been slow here as I have been off editing a book! As I don’t have the name quite yet, I am just referring to it is Craftivism: The Book! It will be published by Arsenal Pulp in spring 2014. Want updates about its progress? You can sign up for the newsletter here.

Hello, Portland! (The Belated Version.)

Hmmm…..this never got published for some reason, but here’s the 3rd video made for the Handmade Nation Portland premiere last weekend featuring Kate Bingaman-Burt!

Also, check out the 100 best blogs for those who want to change the world! So happy to be included in this list along with some very amazing groups and people!

Guess what drawing by Kate I bought at Crafty Wonderful on Sunday? Yes! The one she drew in the video!