So it is a little known fact that I adore koalas. Wombats, wallabies, and kangaroos are all tied for second place. While clearly I should have been born in Australia, I thought that I would take a small break from crafty stuff and post about… koalas.
In recent discussions, I told Faythe (who’s going to Australia) and Rayna (who lives in Australia) that I really want to pet a koala. Not once, but twice these words have sprung from my mouth. I do believe I told Faythe she should pet one so I can live vicariously through her, and actually asked Rayna, like an 8 year old, if koalas were soft. Although I can only surmise they are soft from them, Rayna most awesomely sent me these photos from Australia.

Yes, that is a koala drinking from a water bottle. And that is a koala in a tub. The bushfires are hurting lots of wildlife are they blow through, as these photos attest. Both of those photos have only confirmed that I need to go to Australia as soon as possible. They also are a reminder that animals are innocent (and apparently thirsty) victims of these disasters too.
In looking at the US and the UK press, there seems to be little coverage of what’s going on, so you might want to check out The Age for more local Melbourne news and what’s actually happening. I have my fingers crossed for those down under, and wishing lots of rain and little wind. And godspeed, little koalas. And for all the wombats, wallabies, kangaroos and everyone else near Melbourne, please take care.
P.S. In more koala news, you can read about the progress of Sam, the koala rescued by a volunteer firefighter here. Although she’ll need several months to heal, she now has found a boyfriend to cuddle with (no, really) in fellow rescued koala, Bob.