Keeping it Clean. (Is Awesome.)

Today I had the luck to spend the afternoon at the North Carolina State Fair with a friend and the 8 year old she babysits. Yes, it was awesome. They saved everything fluffy or furry (bunnies, donkeys, cows, chicks, duckings, sheep) until I got there, which was even more awesome. The special surprise treat was being there in time for pig racing, with all the pigs named after NASCAR drivers!

What was not awesome was watching people litter right in front of me. Bottles, gum wrappers, fried Oreo papers, you get the idea. One guy even stared at me while dropping a gum wrapper on the ground, and I couldn’t help wondering if he was jonesing for some sort of litterbug stand-off or a citizen’s arrest.

So, in a late reply to the earlier litterbug, here’s the song which I sing when I’m cleaning my house. It’s called Tidy Up Tidy Up by Barcelona Pavilion, a song which Rachael Matthews introduced to me one night, and 5 years later, it’s still in my head! Imagine my glee when I discovered that some young students made a video for this song, Year Six at Sheringdale Primary School in Wandsworth!

Thanks Sheringdale Primary School Year Six students for such an awesome video to such an awesome song! You made my day!

Some lovely links from lately:
*How to make almond milk
*The amazing work of photographer Chris Jordan
*The incredible contour drawings of Elizabeth Layton
*Keeping up with the Johnsons: A blog about fixing up their newly bought house by Garth Johnson and Claire Joyce
*Mad Cowboys, Skinny Bitches, & Vegan Freaks: 10 Books for Your Cruelty-Free Diet Library (via Tiny Choices)