Last weekend there was a lovely piece in The Guardian about “yarn storming,” written by a reporter who had seemingly never knitted anything in his life, but was along to see what all the fuss was about with a knitter from Knit The City. After you check out the article, here are some lovely videos of the Knit The City ladies yarn storming around London.
Surely you’re familiar with the US knit graffiti crew Knitta, but what about people that are yarn bombing (storming?) farther afield? Many of the groups knit-tagging all over the world can be found in Yarn Bombing the book, which was released earlier this fall…a book I’ll be reviewing later on this week. (Meanwhile, check out the Yarn bombing Flickr pool!)
Speaking of public acts of craft, as of last Friday 6 of my cross-stitch pieces will be shown throughout November at Cafe Helios in downtown Raleigh, NC!