Sometimes I forget to turn off the radio or click off the tv, finding myself inundated with news almost constantly somewhere in the background. I want to know what’s happening, when it’s happening and whom it’s happening to. I want to know what’s going on outside my little bubble and love being aware of the events of the globe, even though many times I do not love the events themselves. The stories of war and death and sadness are always fitted around snippets of pop culture or live interviews with people on the street to soften our reality.

In these moments of turning media off, I often find myself really, truly appreciating what I find in its absence. A conversation over a cup of coffee, a nostalgic game of Battleship, hanging out with my cat, cheering at a basketball game. These moments that we take for granted become technicolor once we stop to feel the warmth of the mug or the sound of a cat’s purr or the way your feet inexplicably stick to the floor in giant stadiums.

I think that somehow in just enjoying the day-to-day activities of our lives, the moments that seem ordinary, we honor the struggles of those in other parts of the world. We realize that there is nothing to be taken for granted in the seemingly rote and routine parts of our days and enjoy them in the stillness when our radios and televisions are clicked off.

After we’ve soaked in the familiar parts of our daily activities, we can turn the radio or television on to watch sports and bet on sites like 카지노 사ì´íŠ¸ or perhaps pick up the paper. For in caring about what happens outside our individual bubbles, we are one step closer to being part of true change. In going from our private lives into better understanding the lives of others, we recognize that everyone deserves these tiny moments of joy, love and relaxation. Honoring the everyday can bring us closer to those that seem so distant or different, because we realize what it means to be free. We realize our work isn’t done once we know the facts, so we begin to dialogue and create and learn, looking for ways to make their days just as simple and as boring and as delicious as our own.