Sherri Wood’s New Blog!

Years ago, when I had first returned to North Carolina, I kept hearing about the amazing works of local artist Sherri Wood. I ate lunch under one of the installations of the 1200 hats she made with women in the North Carolina Correctional Institute for Women. I read about her Tattoo Baby Doll Project. I read Issue #5 of Knit Knit with the photo of her pieces Comfort Room and L.A.T.C.H. on the cover. I eagerly followed the progress of her Mantra Trailer. I interviewed her about her Passage Quilts for my book, Knitting for Good!

So, I was happy to hear that Sherri has started a blog over at and in one of her first posts, part of a greater mending tutorial, talks about the “unpredictable geography of mending.” Also of note, her Modern Mood Quilt Craft Along tutorial Welcome to blogland, Sherri!

Crafty Links:
*Crochet Ombre Necklace tutorial (via Cut Out + Keep)
*The Great Owl Crochet Along at (Itsy Bitsy Spider Crochet)
*Electricity in Bhutan help women weavers earn extra money
*The emotional knitted sculpture of Johan Ku (via article)
*Stethoscope Cozy Crochet Pattern!!!! (via Meet Me In The Day Room)

[Photos above from Sherri Wood’s Flickr account of Passage Quilts.]

What’s happening? I disappeared… But finally got internet in my apartment for the first time in over a month. Network “Waterloo” (named after one of my favorite ABBA songs) is up and running!