How could I not post this on a Friday?
Text from here, click through for whole story:
Video from here:
But back to the panty quilt…
Louis “Shovelhead†Garrett rents out the basement of his mother’s house in Louisiana, Mo. That’s where he crafts his one-of-a-kind quilts. He’s kind of picky with his panties. He’ll accept silk, acetate, nylon, even rayon. But polyester panties need not apply.
“I don’t want them cheap, dollar store, not-sexy-farm-girl panties. I want classy.â€
How can you not love a story who’s headline reads “Biker stitches panty quilt? Or a video that dares to ask, “From where do you get all the panties?”
Yet another example of how craftiness has nothing to do with gender or appearance… And how it runs through the lives of many in so very many ways!