MOVE: Yes! We moved! Therefore, if you’d like to receive future blog posts, please adjust your feedreaders so that the blog address for here is now: And I’m sorry for any inconvenience this move may have caused for not stating this sooner.
TOUR: We’re taking the book on the road to 10 different cities on the east and west coasts of the US and Canada next month! Want more information? Go check out the details here. I’ll be touring with Kim Werker (whose Make it Mighty Ugly just came out) and Leanne Prain (whose Strange Material will be coming out next month), who both have essays in Craftivism: The Art of Craft and Activism. If you’d like to read a few excerpts of the book, you can check out parts of Sayraphim Lothian’s, Tarlen Handayani’s, and Jamie Chalmers’ essays over on the Swedish craft blog, Kravallslojd.
PTSD Quilt: Have PTSD or know someone who does? I have a new project that I’m working on, making and collecting embroidered blocks for the Voices of PTSD Quilt to spread awareness of what really goes on when you have the disorder.
And what happened to 48 Acts of Historical Craftivism?! It’s on hold. Let’s just say that working full time while also dealing with PTSD and other craft projects for payment, has meant that this project has gone on a semi-permanent hiatus. Do I feel like a failure about it? Of sorts. However, I’ve learned that sometimes self-care needs to come first, so this summer, it has.