Ebb and Flow.

In case you missed it… PBS is doing an amazing interactive series right now, PBS Arts, which includes an online component of videos. The latest features interviews with two of my favorite makers, Olek and Swoon.

In the latest “Off Book” feature, PBS explores the work of two unique artists who use the streets as their canvas: Olek, who wraps everyday objects (and even people) in layers of colorful crochet, and Swoon, who pastes large-scale paper drawings on peeling city walls and in public spaces. Equally at home in museums and galleries, both artists create installations that challenge the formats of traditional art spaces. With powerful layers of meaning, beautiful aesthetics, and unique media, these two prolific creators are pushing the boundaries of contemporary art.

Oh, and thanks so much for the super kind emails, comments and Tweets to my last two posts. They have not gone unnoticed, and have warmed my heart lately at a time when it needs a little extra warming. Just got one of the phone calls I’ve been expecting, which was only joyous as it signals the end of someone I’ll miss dearly’s pain. And currently the screensaver on my phone is my teeny tiny little niece smiling, ever reminding me that things ebb and flow, from happy to sad to happy again. As they will always.

Hello, 2010. Things That Make Me Go… Swoon.

Hey! It’s The New Year! Aren’t you excited? I am! This video of Swoon and her friends transforming the SPACE Gallery in Portland, Maine warms my heart for the new year.

It’s about collaborating with like-minded souls, working with people you love, making the “ugly” “beautiful,” creating something from nothing, and living your life holistically. If you’re thinking “I don’t have time to watch this,” then play the video and just listen to what they are saying.

It’s a clarion call to the fact that beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder, finding what makes your heart beat fast, revelling in creativity, loving your friends and discovering where your work overlaps theirs. Remembering that a good chunk of creating comes from love, in all its myriad forms.

(The film is by Budget Fabulous Films.)

What’s been making my heart beat faster lately:
*Just Seeds
*Orly Cogan
*Ghar Sita Mutu
*Dorie Millerson
*Embroidery as Art
*Where the Heart is
*Weaving Art Museum
*Beefranck’s Emporium
*SNIFF: public interactive projection
*Flickr: Diastema (tiny things made big)
*National Geographic Photo Gallery: Svalbard
*Sinead O’Connor: Mandinka (1989 Grammy’s)
*Communicatrix’s “The Boulder: a New Song for the New Year”

Oh, and hey there, Happy New Year!