Knitters Without Borders

In response to my post last week about Haiti, lovely crafter and blogger Kristin from reminded me about Knitters Without Borders.

Knitters Without Borders was started by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee (aka The Yarn Harlot) in response to the 2004 tsunami. For the Knitters Without Borders Challenge, she asked knitters to take note of how they were spending their money for one week. During this week, they were asked to put aside money that they would have spent on a “want,” instead of a “need.”

Small change, right? Well, think about how much money you spend on coffee, the newspaper, gum, a new sweater, all the little bits and bobs you purchase during the week that you really don’t need, but just happen to want… just because it’s there. Since 2004, Knitters Without Borders has collected over one million dollars of that supposed “small change,” with the money donated to Medecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders!!

Definitely something to think about when you’re too lazy to search for your favorite lip balm/pen/shampoo and just want to go to the corner store and buy a new one. I’d imagine that if you, too, took the Knitters Without Borders Challenge, you’d find yourself with more than just pocket change.

Thanks so much for reminding me of this, Kristin! (You can read her lovely post about KWB over here!)

a geeky little p.s a. on volunteering

Today I move to London.

Due to that, here’s a link to National Centre for Volunteering.

I’ll admit, I love volunteering. As a kid, my parents drug me to all sorts of fundraisers, building sites, meetings, etc. I hated it. Then when I found causes that I found worth supporting, like the ASPCA and various crafty organizations (many of which are linked to this page!), I fell in love with it.

Some basic issues regarding volunteering are discussed here, from Canada’s Source for Information on Volunteering.

Do good things.

it does make a difference!

In case anyone has any doubts about whether or not you can make a difference just by crafting, check out this site for the Penguin Jumper Project in Australia. So many people knitted jumpers for these little buggers that the number received far exceeded the number of penguins that needed some extra clothing!

I go back and forth between making things for people and things for animals. And lately I’ve been thinking that my yarn stash (that has been growing exponentially) needs some depleting, so whipping out some blankets for the Snuggles Project, because even though those penguins are well-stocked, there are some domestic puppies and kittens that need a bit of love, too.

Or maybe I’ll make some furry little bears to send to the Mother Bear Project, which collects fuzzy companions for young victims of rape in South Africa.

Either way, I’ll be making stuff that will be given and received with a little bit of TLC. Bitchin’.