Beili Liu’s The Mending Project, Wellington Craftivism Collective’s Pussy Riot Protest Fence

Last week, I came across this amazing video over at Colossal of Beili Liu’s new installation The Mending Project at the (what looks like the amazing) Women and Their Work Gallery.

As you can see from the video, Liu is “mending” cloth while sitting underneath hundreds of Chinese scissors, juxtaposing safety with violence, security with the unknown, and what can destroy with what can (literally) mend.

And from another project this week, one done in solidarity with the Pussy Riot Protest Fence done in Melbourne, Australia by Jacquie Tinkler, a yarnbomber and lecture at Charles Stuart University and Casey Jenkins, a yarnbomber and Craft Cartel member, another Pussy Riot Protest Fence by the Wellington Craftivism Collective!

While at first they may not seem connected, when I happened to look at both projects side by side, a striking connection did, in fact, emerge, when I carefully listened to these words spoken by Liu in the video:

I do think when we’re facing uncertainty and concern and that fear, or when we’re facing very difficult situations in life or in this world, the best thing we can do perhaps is something very simple. And if we can do it with persistence and calmness some change can happen.

I like the idea that “persistence” and “calmness” can foment change, as opposed to speed or anger. Steady pressure, fervent belief, process, intent; these things can bring groundswell, create shifts, deepen fault lines. Whether or not we are underneath hundreds of blades or stitching to fences, we are still helping “change””happen.” We are creating our own realities and paths and truths as we continue to sew, to stitch, to change, to mend.

Craftivism, Angela Davis and Craft as Therapy

This lovely image was sent to me by a lovely Swedish woman named Julia who is working on a film about craftivism and DIY. If you have any projects you’d like to share with her, or have ideas on who she could contact in Europe, you can contact her here.

I love this image of Angela Davis that she sent because not only is it beautiful, but it also speaks to the many different ways that people see craftivism. In a word, it’s a celebration. A crafty one, if you will.

Lately I’ve been tooling around with the idea of craftivism for the self, a sort of activism for the self, wherein one can right themselves with creativity and work through various problems, crises, episodes, occasions, etc. etc. I’ve mentioned it over on Twitter a several times and there has been quite popular response to more exploration of healing yourself through craft. (If activism is bettering a cause that you care about, why can’t it not be about yourself? Because in order to best help those -issues and people- that you care about you have to be your best self, no?)

I’ve even wondered about what to call such a thing. Cinnamon suggested perhaps CraftEsteem on Twitter yesterday, which I thought was quite lovely? And I had an idea that I’ve talked with Carrie about regarding depression and solitary confinement in prisons, which is still in a thinky think stage. Maybe you have some good ideas on this, or are interested in hearing more, or just dig the idea that one can do a piece of work featuring Angela Davis and include it in the realm of “craftivism.”

No matter which, I’m glad you’re along with the ride with me after I’ve popped out, cleared my head, and decided about where I want to move forward. Because there are so many people championing craftivism (to name a few with craftivism in the name: Craftivist Collective, Wellington Craftivist Collective, Project Craftivism, Craftivist! AMAZING!) these days (which is mindblowingly awesome) that I needed to take some time out to think about how I can best help this little -ism move forward in the world on the Good Ship Craftivism and I’m thinking that delving more into the therapeutic, psychological, mental health side of things is where I need to go next.

Perhaps you’ll see it fit to join me and/or tell like-minded others?


Craftivism in the News This Week… Suh-weet!

Text from here. Photo from here.

On Monday I got an email, followed by a phone call with Bill Harris who works for the city.

He was very nice, and said the city’s hands were tied and they tried to find a way to keep them — but they have to go.

Councilmember Lorie Zapf is collecting emails of support at to show community backing and find a way to keep them in Clairemont. Send her your story, and let her know how much you like them!

Bill Harris gave me this statement to post:

The City is forced to announce that the Stop Sign Flowers must come down. Even with the great community spirit this effort has generated, there are just too many restrictions to overcome. City staff looked through state law and local policies trying to find some way of allowing the flowers to remain in place. Unfortunately, particularly with traffic control signs and including all other City assets, there is just no way to retain the works where they now are.

We hope that the flower-makers will work with other site owners – private businesses, other agencies, business improvement districts and community groups – to find new homes for the flowers. This is a fun program that should easily capture the imagination of our communities in other, less restricted, locations.

City crews will not remove any of the installations for the next ten days unless they become a hazard. It is hoped that those who originally installed the flowers will take that time to remove and preserve the work. Following the ten day period, City crews will be instructed to remove and dispose of anything affixed to City assets as it is seen or reported. The yarn and leaf structures cannot be saved when removed by City staff.

I will be available to answer specific questions about the City’s direction via email from

For a map of San Diego street flowers go here.

See how you can make more here.

One of the sweetest things about this project is that the self-proclaimed “knitting guy” started to learn to knit “to teach my daughter. She received a “learn to knit” craft kit as a present, but the instructions were sparse and hard to understand. So, I decided to learn how in order to show her. I had thought about learning for a few years, so this was just the push I needed. That was about four years ago, and we have both been knitting off and on since.”

Also, there have been several awesome articles online about craftivism lately:

*Stir to Action piece from the Wellington Craftivism Collective
*Crafting the Future We Want over at Tck Tck Tck
*A lovely interview with the lovely Craftivist Collective over at HUCK magazine

And if that isn’t enough, and you’re STILL feeling crafty, go check out the the Blood Bag Project. Click the pic to see the gallery of submitted blood bags. You can also follow the project’s progress here

Now go and make somethin’ now, won’t ya?
