Transformer Gallery This Weekend!

Part of moving to a new city is discovering new places and people that make the move easier, more exciting and feel more sane. Many thanks to the awesome Kelly Rand for inviting me along and going with me amidst all the Hello Craft Summit of Awesome scheduling chaos! And, by the way, the schedule is, indeed, awesome.

Last night, I went to an event put on by DC’s Transformer Gallery, a panel on sustainability with Nancy Bannon, Bruce Dwyer, Ian MacKaye, Eve Mosher, Abigail Satinsky with moderator Jeff Hnilicka.

While the gallery has nothing to do with the cartoon pic above, I just wanted to reiterate the possibilities and growth that are embedded to the very word “transform.” And how it’s important to keep transforming in your work, because as we all know thanks to a giant toy company that shall not be named, there’s always “more than meets the eye.”*

This weekend Transformer has scheduled a lovely list of events that I wish I was able to go to! Just in case you’re able, I’ve copied and pasted the schedule (text directly from the Transformer site, I added individual links to provide more information) below.

Sustainability Lab back in action!

June 2 – 12, 2010

On June 2, Brooklyn-based cultural worker Jeff Hnilicka returns to DC to continue Sustainability Lab at Transformer. Having just participated in Empire Builder – an epic train voyage to Portland, OR during which over 30 participants created guerilla public programs for fellow travelers while en route to Open Engagement, an initiative of Portland State University’s Art and Social Practice MFA concentration – Jeff & Transformer invite DC audiences to participate in several new, interactive programs that continue to investigate emerging models of cultural production, the sustainability of these models, and their impact within communities.

Upcoming events include:
*Friday, June 4, 5 – 7pm: “Seeding the City” with Brooklyn-based artist Eve Mosher at Fathom Creative
*Saturday, June 5, 1 – 7pm: “A Day of Dischord,” featuring performances by Andalusians and the Aquarium
*Friday, June 11, 1, 3, & 5pm: “10 Dance Moves for Washington, DC – a dance lesson and travelogue”, and
*Saturday, June 12, 1 – 6pm: “Home Grown” – an afternoon of conversation, local foods, music, and art with Jeff Hnilicka and DC-based photographer Cynthia Connolly
Please click here to download a full schedule of Sustainability Lab activities in June.

All events are free, some require advance registration.

EXHIBITION HOURS: Wednesday – Saturday, 1 – 7pm & by appointment

So excited to see such great work being done in my new hometown! Now off to find work so I can stay here… the not sane part about moving to a big city. My grandmother still thinks I should join the Army. For real.

*Sorry I couldn’t help it. It had to be done.

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