Worldwide Knit in Public Day is Coming!

Actually, there are 4 of these days coming up! June 13th, June 14th, June 20th, and June 21st. It’s been changed to two weekends this year because The National NeedleArts Association trade show is happening this weekend and some people would like to do both events.

Starting next year, Worldwide Knit in Public Day will be on the 3rd weekend in June, so as to not interfere with TNNA, which is held on the 2nd weekend in June. If you’re curious to see what past events held on WWKIP Day were like, there is a great gallery of photos over here on Flickr.

If you’re looking for somewhere in your area that is holding a WWKIP event, there is a list of them here.

What could you knit for good this WWKIP Day? Remember the quick knits like baby garments or group together with your friends and knit squares for a blanket. Have some other ideas or know about any new charities? Please let me know!