Lately I have been consumed by the conjunction of modernity and crafts, especially knitting. About how historically it was used to clothe and comfort, to protect against the elements. Now that we’ve moved comfortably (or kicking and screaming, depending) into the modern age, these items can be purchased. Whenever I wear handmade items around the city I feel like I am navigating the chaos somewhat strenghtened and soothed.
In some ways, craft seems like a perfect compliment to the urban. Providing a respite of comfort in a busy, metal, sometimes alien (and alienating) place.
We wrap knitted items around loved ones to keep them warm. Lately I’ve been toying with the notion that if we wrap knitting around technology and the urban would we give them warmth and comfort?
There was an article in Interweave Knits a couple years ago about an artist in NYC who did knitting on A Grand Scale, and did some sort of installation for a museum where she knit “socks” for these giant stereo speakers at a museum… Your post reminded me of that.
When I was working at The Office, I entertained fantasies of knitting a cosy for each item at my desk… mug cosy, mouse cosy, monitor cosy, chair cosy… perhaps the urge to wrap the familiar and dear with handmade warmth is common among crafters?
That sounds like a Christo project. He wrapped the pont neuf in brown paper, ran silk fences into the california ocean, and currently has archway banners along the trails in central park. Maybe you should collaborate and cover some part of the MicroS0ft campus in knitted blankets. :-D Congrats on getting your dissertation accepted! Brava!