
BIG NEWS: Things have been quiet around here lately because I’m in the process of moving to DC!* I’m so excited about living in a big city again!

NOT NEARLY AS BIG NEWS: My computer died this afternoon. Will be up to speed soon after I’ve moved everything from dead computer to new computer. As you can tell from the weird text formatting, I have no idea how to use it… yet.

And my first big crafting event in my new city is moderating a panel tomorrow at Craft Week DC! Yeah! The panel, The Meaning of Making, is from 6:30-8, preceded by a craft social from 4-6. Sponsored by PBR and held at Civilian Art Projects, set up by the awesomeness that is Hello Craft.

The panelists:

Tom Ashcraft

Christine Ernest

Dana Ayana Greaves

Carole Greenwood

*Ok, Arlington, VA if you’re being technical.

2 thoughts on “New.

  1. Hey Betsy,

    We miss you here in Chapel Hill, but glad to hear that things are fun in DC.

    Good luck,
    Rebecca T.

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