Yesterday I gave a talk at Unravel: A Festival of Knitting in lovely Farnham. I talked about how you can make craftivism your own and help other people with it. During the talk, I noted that I would be placing links to what I was talking about here, so here we go.
In some cases, I’ve linked directly to a person’s work or to a news article, rather than the actual site where I got the photo from.

Weren’t there? Well, you can watch the clip below for a 6-second version or investigate any of the links below! (Disregard -or rock out to- the coffee shop music in the background!)
Helping the Trawlers
Virpi Vesanen-Laukkanen’s Lace Bus
Kaja Marie Lereng Kvernbakken’s For the Love of…
NeSpoon’s work at the Baltic Sea
Carrie Reichardt’s Treatment Rooms
Craftivist Collective
Chalina de la Esperanza
Madres de la Paya de Mayo
Twin Cities Red Cross, Hmong quilt
CODEPINK Mother’s Day vigil 2009
AIDS Quilt
Craft Hope
Wool Against Weapons
Children’s Cancer Recovery Project
Knit for Peace
Blood Bag Project
Knitting for Oxfam
Percy the Pigeon
Prostate Cancer UK’s Tea for Victory
Battersea Dogs and Cats Home staffie campaign
Teddies for Tragedies
And… when I was walking about town I came across the Age UK shop and look at the sign it has on the front door!

You can read more about this Age UK campaign here!
Looks fabulous. Must have been a thrill to be there!
Thanks, Heather! And yes, it was so much fun!