what is craftivism?

Ok. So this is currently just a weblog. But, hot damn!, there is something here!

Some of you have heard me talk about this idea for months. I have a lot of different ideas, but thought I’d open the floor one more time to see what you would like to see here.

My whole idea for this site is based on the idea that activism + craft = craftivism. That each time you participate in crafting you are making a difference, whether it’s fighting against useless materialism or making items for charity or something betwixt and between.

The idea that activists can be crafters, and crafters can be activists.

In the works right now are plans for: a links section (send me your links!) where you can get information about different craft and activism resources, pictures of people’s projects, a blog (though not on the main page, if I can get my act together), and hopefully mini interviews with people who are doing craftivism type thingies.

Thanks for being patient.


6 thoughts on “what is craftivism?

  1. sooo glad you’re doing this. yay you!

    i want to curate a craftivist exhibit at some point – this should be a great resource.

    one suggestion – why not have some space where people can propose projects and find others to participate? it could be an interactive page/bulletin board (if possible), or people could just send in a description with contact info.

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