Book tour update

So, I’m on a book tour! And writing this from a hotel in Toronto, where we just had an event at the Textile Museum of Canada! Whoa!

Wi-fi is super spotty in this hotel and I’m super tired so am typing this on my phone, but I wanted to share something I posted on Facebook the other day about our West Coast tour leg.

Awesomely, Facebook is not letting me copy and paste text to post here, but if you’d like to read it, you can find it here.

In short, it’s a little love letter to the whole tour experience. I never in my wildest dreams thought I’d be an author on a book tour when I was little reading galleys that my Aunt Becky would bring me when she visited from New York or in any years subsequent. And given the trials of the past few years, am humbled beyond belief that I get to have this whole experience. It’s been worth public disclosure of my disorder (which has had many rewards actually, except maybe when my dates Google me) and all the fighting I’ve done to get better.

It’s a treasure, an adventure, a true pinch yourself experience. Thanks for your support, for reading this post, as without you, none of this would be possible. xx

P.S. The amazing Amelia’s Magazine interviewed me recently, you can see the interview here!