Cozy and Comfy


I took this photo of Bobbin the other week and to me it pretty much embodies what, to me, is essential for “home,” a furry one and some handmade items. Every time I see her curled up with this pillow it reminds me how much I love my grandmother, who made it. As she gets older she likes to give away her things, and once when I was visiting her at her retirement home, she tucked this under my arm without warning and said, “I want you to have this.”

Store-bought pillows just don’t hold the same resonance, depth, and warmth. As lovers of things handmade, I think we are lucky to appreciate the work that goes into them, as they hold traces not just of the hands that made them, but of the people themselves.

4 thoughts on “Cozy and Comfy

  1. Ah yes, I have been thinking about this recently…how the hand made object embodies both time (hours in making) but also times (as in the maker, memories and associations). May I quote that last paragraph, linked and acknowledged of course, in a post on this very subject?

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