hooray for dads.

Feeding the geese in Greenville, South Carolina near my grandparents house in 1979.

Over the years, he’s worn the hat of coach, teacher, boss, chauffeur, traveling buddy, accountant, protector and “official peptalk giver.” And that’s just the short list.

Among other things, he’s taught me how to shoot a lay-up, change a tire, find laughter on the crappy days, never give up, and how it’s always okay to make breakfast for dinner.

Thanks, Dad, for everything.

Completely unrelated craftiness:
*What people write when they think punk is best circa 1977**
*Some awesome UK knitters make almost 3,000 hats for Tibetan babies in need
*Knitters make and send scarves to Israeli survivors of terror attacks
*Some really amazing 3rd graders knit gifts for women with cancer
*Great things are done a step at a time…especially when it comes to creativity
*Lovely interview with Faythe Levine about Handmade Nation over on Poppytalk

**A quote from the first link: “The sickening truth is that knitting is hip – and Western youth culture is knitting its own death shroud.” The even sicker truth is that when people don’t realize that the punk ethos is about living your life they way you want to, not the way you think Johnny Rotten wants you, they look completely clueless.