I started making 80%* of my holiday presents myself a few years ago.
Of course, this makes the time around the holidays a bit more stressful, but I think it’s an effort well worth it. The people getting the gifts you toiled over may never know that you almost lost a finger during a crafty mishap or almost burned down the kitchen in an attempt to make the perfect batch of vegan chocolate chip cookies, but they will know that you did more than just run to Wal-Mart at the last minute.
You get the joy that occurs when you’re up at 3am trying to wrap all your scarves correctly, singing along to Slayer or Billie Holiday or Lungfish with the stereo cranked up. Somewhat unlike the fear of trying to get your science project finished before the bus comes with “Thriller” playing on the boombox, you are a bit worried that your efforts will fall apart once you hand them over, but are proud nonetheless.
You might be a little bit sleep-deprived when it’s all said and done, but hey, that’s why there is coffee.**
*In case you’re wondering, why not 100%?, well, some people I adore just don’t think that handmade presents are where’s it at. Yes, they’re misguided, but I forgive them.
**I wish coffee could be ingested through an IV drip. Between essays and making presents, I am practically never seen awake these days without a cup of coffee in my hand. I promise that one day (sooner rather than later) I will stop being so damn emo and write more about actual craftivist stuff that is helpful. As for now, get crackin’ on those presents!