About a year ago, I heard that the amazing and talented Jennifer Marsh had an eye on her next project. Covering a rocket with crafted goodness and hope. After tackling an entire gas station (above) and a giant tree (below), what’s a ginormous rocket? Well, the other week, I was so excited to get an email that included the press release for covering that rocket- a project called The Dream Rocket! Following the amazing Gas Station Project and Tree Project, here’s a brand new project that’s as equally as inspiring!
From the website, this project aims to:
The Dream Rocket is reaching out to students, teachers, schools, individuals, groups and organizations to create and submit over 8,000 “Dream Theme” or “Visionary” panels that will be sewn together in Huntsville, Alabama. This historical 30,467-square foot quilt will represent dreams from all over the world. During May and June of 2010, (60 days) this quilt will completely wrap the 363-foot vertical Saturn V Rocket which stands in front of the U.S. Space & Rocket Center® in Huntsville, Alabama.
I also love love love what Jennifer had to say about this endeavor, “The Saturn V Moon Rocket is the ideal example of achieving a dream that seems impossible. Whether your dream is curing cancer, going to Mars, or ending world hunger, the Saturn V is an inspiring visual reminder that any dream can come true. If we can work together to put a man on the moon, we can do anything.”
Want more information? Find out more on the Facebook page, through Flickr photos, on Twitter, and the website. You can also sign up for their newsletter here.
And for all you fellow kids of the ’80s, the U.S. Space & Rocket Center® Space Camp is what the cinematic genius that is Space Camp is based on!